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PostWysłany: Czw 5:31, 16 Sty 2014    Temat postu:

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JERUSALEM, Jan. 14 (Xinhua) -- Israeli politicians scrambled to do damage control on Tuesday, following harsh statements attributed to Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon regarding U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's performance on Tuesday.
Israel's Yedioth Aharonot daily published on Tuesday comments attributed to hawkish Ya'alon, who said that Kerry should "get a Nobel Prize and leave us (Israel) alone."
The defense minister reportedly complained ahead of one of Kerry's ten trips to the region since July of last year that there were no negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians in the past month, but between Israel and the Americans.
Ya'alon, who headed the Israeli army's West Bank Division and Central Command during the second Palestinian intifada, has also slammed a U.S.-devised security provisions for an Israeli pullout from the West Bank if a peace deal is established, reportedly saying that it is "not worth the paper it's written on."
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PostWysłany: Czw 23:57, 05 Gru 2013    Temat postu: General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech

China Foreign Affairs University professor Su Hao said, China's Communist leaders know, Chinese development cannot do without a peaceful external environment, but it is common for the creation, maintenance, and not Chinese unilaterally abandoning their core interests, from others beg beg of.
The Beijing 30 January Xinhua (reporter Wang Jianhua Zhang Shuo) analysts in Beijing said in a speech, the new generation leader Xi Jinping 28 days,[url=]giubbotti moncler uomo[/url], in fact for the Chinese first expounded the principle of bottom line,[url=]hollister berlin[/url], adhere to the path of peaceful development.
in recent years, some countries wrong,[url=]abercrombie hollister[/url], one-sided understanding of China's road of peaceful development, they mistakenly thought China in order to be able to have the peace development of the external environment, will underscore the scale great, even to its core interests as a compromise,[url=]hollister pas cher[/url], concession, the exchange field.
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Xi Jinping in this speech still emphasizes pointing out, Chinese follow the path of peaceful development,[url=]vanessa bruno pas cher[/url], other countries also must follow the road of peaceful development, the only countries to follow the path of peaceful development, all countries to common development, the country and the country can live together in peace.
Jin Canrong said,[url=]abercrombie[/url], General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech, is a new generation of leaders of the Communist Party of China first clearly explains the ideas and principles of its foreign relations.
Renmin University of China vice president Jin Canrong said, this is the ruling Communist Party leaders for the first time China China how to adhere to the road of peaceful development illustrates the principle of the bottom line,[url=]giubbotti moncler[/url], but also can be said to be the red line.
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session of the eighteenth CPC Central Committee Political Bureau on 28 of the third collective study theme is not to move or retreat, taking the road of peaceful development.
General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping presided over the study stressed: "we must adhere to the road of peaceful development, but never give up our rights and interests, must not sacrifice the core national interests".
2011 September published "peaceful development" white paper Chinese first clearly defines the Chinese core interests, including: state sovereignty, national security, territorial integrity, national unity, political system and social stability China of the constitution, the basic guarantee for economic and social sustainable development.
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Several transport officials in central China's Henan Province were sacked or suspended from their posts after a female truck owner attempted suicide in protest against excessive fines.
The city government of Yongcheng said on Wednesday that the head and a deputy head of its traffic and transportation bureau had been suspended.
Several lower-rank road officials were also either dismissed or suspended, the government added.
The city and provincial authorities are still investigating the case in which Liu Wenli drank pesticide in a suicide attempt on Nov. 14 during a standoff with road officials over repetitive fines.
The officials stopped Liu's truck and were going to fine her for overloading, despite her claiming she had already paid an annual and a monthly "fee" of 3,000 yuan (about 489 U.S. dollars) respectively, which should have meant she did not have to pay other charges, according to Liu's brother.
PostWysłany: Śro 7:18, 04 Gru 2013    Temat postu:

Despite efforts by the international community to dissuade North Korea from launching what it claims is a space rocket, Pyongyang appears to be pushing ahead with the launch scheduled for the middle of this month. The North claims it wants to put a satellite into orbit for scientific research, which was the will of late leader Kim Jong-il to mark the centenary of nation founder Kim Il-sung.
Pyongyang claims it informed the U.S. of the rocket launch when it agreed with Washington on Feb,air jordan. 29 to halt its uranium enrichment activities in return for food aid,hogan italia.
That suggests the missile launch was meticulously planned for some time and is not the result of conflict and confusion within the North's leadership after Kim Jong-il's death. But the launch will end up doing North Korea more harm than good, further isolating it from the international community and exacerbating its economic woes.
The launch is likely to serve a military purpose,air jordan, namely to develop an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of reaching the continental U.S., but it also has political and diplomatic objectives. First, North Korea intends to demonstrate by launching the rocket that the transfer of power from Kim Jong-il to his third son Jong-un is progressing smoothly. Second,hollister pas cher, it wants to close ranks by resisting international demands. Third, it could be trying to create obstacles to exact more concessions from other participating nations in the six-party nuclear talks. It may also be accelerating its nuclear weapons program. The North conducted its first nuclear test just three months after launching the Taepodong-2 missile in 2006 and conducted another nuclear test a month after launching what it claimed was a space rocket in 2009.
While North Korea prepares for its next launch, the other countries in the six-party talks have their hands tied because they are in the process of electing new leaders. Russia held the presidential election in March, and President-elect Vladimir Putin has yet to be inaugurated. China faces a shift in its leadership this year and is not in a position to revise its existing policy toward North Korea. Japan has seen several leaders come and go over the last six years,hollister france, and Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda,hogan outlet, who took office only recently, has his plate full with domestic problems. South Korea and the U.S. also face presidential elections this year and are not in any position to focus on North Korean problems.
North Korea is taking full advantage of these fallow periods and is resorting to a carrot-and-stick method in dealing with the international community. On the one hand it is demonstrating a willingness to resume the stalled six-party talks and promising to freeze its uranium enrichment program and re-admit IAEA inspectors. But it is also pushing ahead with its long-range missile launch and challenging the international community. Such a two-pronged approach puts the other countries in the six-party talks in a tough position and poses political dilemmas for Seoul and Washington,hogan outlet.
China is displeased with the North's nuclear weapons and missile development programs,hollister, but it does not want North Korea to implode or clash militarily with South Korea. As a result, it will express concern about the rocket launch but oppose further sanctions and try to resume the six-party talks.
If the U.S. halts the food aid, North Korea will refuse to freeze its uranium enrichment program,louboutin soldes, keep IAEA inspectors out and blame Washington for it. The scrapping of the Feb. 29 agreement would fail to halt North Korea's missile launch and let Pyongyang continue its uranium enrichment program. North Korea will not get food aid, but it will succeed in gaining face.
That may be why the North believes the missile launch would lead to more benefits than losses. But it will lose more than just 240,000 tons of food aid from the U.S. In future, it will find it harder to gain economic cooperation from other countries,woolrich outlet, and this will only raise its dependence on China. North Korea is causing China a tremendous political and diplomatic burden with the missile launch,jordan pas cher, and its nuclear weapons and missiles could also be threats to China. Beijing may support Pyongyang now,hollister, but that could change any time.
The latest problem has also increased global attention to and concerns about North Korea's weapons of mass destruction. The Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul, which North Korea criticized, originally had no plans to discuss the North's nuclear weapons and missiles. But Pyongyang's announcement ended up putting that issue right at the top of the agenda. By dashing the hopes of the international community and choosing to isolate itself further, Kim Jong-un is only increasing pressure on the stability of his regime.
By former foreign minister Han Sung-joo
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PostWysłany: Wto 18:42, 03 Gru 2013    Temat postu:

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PostWysłany: Pon 12:22, 02 Gru 2013    Temat postu:

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PostWysłany: Pon 10:44, 02 Gru 2013    Temat postu:

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China launched the Chang'e-3 lunar probe with the country's first moon rover aboard early on Monday, marking a significant step toward deep space exploration.
The probe's carrier, an enhanced Long March-3B rocket, blasted off from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China at 1:30 a.m.
Chang'e-3 is expected to land on the moon in mid-December to become China's first spacecraft to soft land on the surface of an extraterrestrial body.
It is also the first moon lander launched in the 21st century.
The probe entered the earth-moon transfer orbit as scheduled, with a perigee of 200 kilometers and apogee of 380,000 kilometers.
"The probe has already entered the designated orbit," said Zhang Zhenzhong, director of the launch center in Xichang. "I now announce the launch was successful."
PostWysłany: Czw 18:21, 28 Lis 2013    Temat postu:

farmers per capita net income of family business continued to grow, the proportion of decline, the family business income is still the main channel of the farmer "s income. In 2011 the region farmers per capita household business income is 3051.89 yuan,air jordan pas cher, a year-on-year increase of 489.3 yuan, grow 19.09% compared to the same period, the share dropped 1.27 percentage points over the previous year. The first industry per capita household net income for 2664.75 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 474.21 yuan, up 21.65%. Among them, the per capita net income of agriculture is 2255.3 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 417.22 yuan,louboutin soldes, an increase of 22.7%; per capita income of animal husbandry is 420.68 yuan,hogan italia online, a year-on-year increase of 67.48 yuan, up 19.12%. Since 2011, the price of agricultural products gradually higher,mercurial vapor, food prices rose significantly, especially vegetable prices have continued to run high,hogan outlet, to a certain extent, farmers brought benefits,scarpe hogan, improve the farmers planting expectations. From the beginning of 2004, for seven consecutive years,chaquetas belstaff outlet, the central document No.1 "three agriculture",air jordan, focusing on positive signal agricultural subsidies will only increase the farmers to enhance the enthusiasm. Pinglu district government conscientiously implement preferential agricultural policy, attaches great importance to food production, further increase the food and agriculture subsidy, the production enthusiasm of farmers planting Pinglu district is very high, the past can not be a salt n
farmer per capita wage income growth, has gradually become a new impetus for increasing farmers' income,hollister france, net income of farmers in a rise in the proportion of. In 2011, the per capita wage income is 2037.73 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 423.93 yuan, growth of 26.27%,chaquetas belstaff, the per capita wage income accounts for all the per capita net income in the proportion is 37.32%, relatively on year increase 1.32 percentage points. Among them, farmers in the non enterprise organization of labor income is 196.2 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.71 yuan, grow 5.2%; farmers in the local labor income of 1385.63 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 404.66 yuan, up 41.25%; the farmer resident population out practitioners receive income for 455.9 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.55 yuan, up 2.2%.
2011 is "1025" start to the year, Pinglu district Party committee, the district government thoroughly implement the scientific outlook on development, to adapt to the new requirements of the new situation and guarantee the transformation and the spanning development of improving people's livelihood, the region around the strategic goal of "70% land and grass planting,woolrich outlet, 70% of the farmers", comprehensive peace building a prosperous and harmonious new Pinglu, make the region economy coordinated, healthy, steady development. Especially in the central and local governments continue to increase support for the work of agriculture policy traction,scarpe hogan, Pinglu district rural economy continued to show good momentum of development, the income of the farmers is sustained growth, people's livelihood has continued to improve, the quality of life has improved significantly. According to the district 80 households sample survey data show: rural residents per capita net income of farmers in Pinglu District in 2011 was 5460.31 yuan, 977.24 yuan more than 4483.07 yuan in 2010, up 21.8%.

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PostWysłany: Wto 10:51, 26 Lis 2013    Temat postu:

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Beijing on 12 April, / speech in 2010 spring festival get-together on
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Guangzhou daily reports, on the eve of the opening of Guangzhou NPC and CPPCC,hollister france, the joint ocean net, understand Chinese dignity through questionnaire.
Internet survey collected a total of 542 people. The results showed that more than half of the respondents to the host city, the human dignity of scoring less than 60 points; up to more than 50% of respondents said that if the second employment opportunities, hope to become civil servants; six into the respondents to the Guangzhou tolerance grades. Some scholars believe that, growth in the GDP statistics at the same time, should also set up the social dignity index.
in to their city life the human dignity of scoring, there are 85~100,hollister france, 70~85, 60~70, 50~60 and 50 points below 5 scores, results show that, there are more than 50 percent of respondents score below 60, scoring less than 2% in 85~100 scores between segments.
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